73 research outputs found

    Analisis Performa Open Shortest Path First Load Balancing dengan Metode Cost Manipulation

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    Quality of Service (QoS) di dalam sebuah layanan jaringan menjadi faktor terpenting untuk memastikan kapasitas transfer paket data. Salah satunya pemilihan protokol routing yang akan digunakan. Routing Protokol Open Short Path First (OSPF) menggunakan metode Cost Manipulation mampu menjadi sebuah alternatif solusi untuk mamastikan QoS di dalam layanan jaringan dikarenakan metode Cost Manipulation mampu memilih jalan terbaik menuju network tujuan tanpa mempertimbangkan kembali metrik yang seharusnya, baik shortest path ke network tujuan ataupun bandwidth-nya. Hasil pengujian tracerroute sebelum pengimplementasian OSPF cost manipulation didapatkan hanya menggunakan 1 (satu) single line saja dan packet loss yang didapatkan saat terjadinya link failure dengan pengiriman 907 packet data adalah 1,4 packet loss. Sedangkan setelah pengimplementasi OSPF cost manipulation dapat menggunakan 2 (dua) dual line sebagai load balancing dan packet loss yang didapatkan menurun dengan hasil rata-rata sebesar 0,6 packet loss dan pengimplementasian cost manipulation mampu membagi transfer paket data dengan sama rata

    Analisis Performa Access Control List Menggunakan Metode Firewall Policy Base

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    Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi mampu mendukung mobilitas yang begitu cepat dan sangat efesien. Kini, hampir semua transfer data dilakukan menggunakan jaringan komputer dan bersifat terbuka. dengan terjadinya transfer data yang bersifat terbuka hal ini mampu memicu terjadinya kejahatan didalam dunia jaringan komputer (cybercrime). Penerapan keamanan jaringan komputer merupakan hal yang sangat vital. untuk memiminalisir cybercrime didalam jaringan komputer, maka diterapkanlah keamanan jaringan menggunakan metode zone-based policy firewall. Zone-based policy firewall mampu melakukan pembatasan akses berdasarkan mekanisme keamanan yang digunakan untuk melindungi sistem internal dari gangguan para pelaku Cybercrime atau pihak-pihak lain yang ingin memasuki kedalam sistem tanpa mempunyai hak akses. dari hasil penelitian analisa performa access control list menggunakan metode zon based policy firewall didapatkan penerapan keamanan jaringan komputer zone-based policy firewall mampu membatasi akses menuju server dari client yang terhubung didalam jaringan yang sama. Serta zone-based policy firewall mampu menyembunyikan hop count yang dilalui untuk menghubungkan antara client dengan server. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Electrical Arc Furnace Slag Pada Pembuatan Self Compacting Concrete

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    Abstrak Self compacting concrete merupakan beton dengan kemampuan filling ability, passing ability, dan placing ability tinggi. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan merancang penggunaan electrical arc furnace slag sebagai subtitusi kerikil dan fly ash 30% dari semen sebagai filler. Variasi EAFS sebesar 0%, 10%, 30%, dan 50% dari berat kerikil. Pengujian meliputi karakteristik beton segar (slump flow test, v-funnel test, dan l-box test), yaitu berat volume, kuat tekan, dan porositas. Hasil pengujian slump flow test menunjukkan SCC EAFS 0% menghasilkan filling ability terbaik dengan waktu flow (8 sekon). Pengujian passing ability menunjukkan SCC EAFS 10% memiliki kemampuan passing ability terbaik dengan nilai H2/H1 (0,993). Pengujian tingkat viskositas menghasilkan viskositas terendah pada SCC EAFS 50%. Hasil pengujian berat volume, SCC EAFS 50% memiliki berat volume tertinggi umur 28 hari (2573,70 kg/m3). Pengujian kiuat tekan tertinggi pada penggunaan EAFS 30% dengan kuat tekan umur 28 hari (44,37 Mpa). Kadar porositas, variasi dengan tingkat poroitas terkecil pada SCC EAFS 30% (2,03%). Kadar penggunaan EAFS 50% dengan berat volume tertinggi, menghasilkan kuat tekan lebih rendah umur 28 hari (35,63 Mpa) karena faktor porositas tertinggi (2,63%). Kata kunci : Self compacting concrete, fly ash, berat volume, kuat tekan, porositas. Abstract Self compacting concrete is a concrete with high filling ability, passing ability and placing ability. This experimentally study was conducted content by designing the use of electrical arc furnace slag (EAFS) as a substitution of gravel and 30% fly ash from cement as a filler. EAFS variations are 0%, 10%, 30%, and 50% of the weight of the gravel. Tests include characteristics of fresh concrete (slump flow test, v-funnel test, and l-box test), namely volume weight, compressive strength, and porosity. The results of the slump flow test showed that 0% SCC EAFS produced the best filling ability with flow time (8 seconds). The passing ability test shows 10% SCC EAFS has the best passing ability with H2 / H1 (0.993). The viscosity test results in the lowest vicocity at 50% EAFS SCC. The results of the volume testing, 50% SCC EAFS has the highest volume weight at 28 days (2573.70 kg / m3). The highest compressive strength test was used on 30% EAFS with 28 days compressive strength (44.37 Mpa). Porosity level, variation with the smallest porosity level in 30% EAFS SCC (2.03%). The level of use of 50% EAFS with the highest volume weight resulted in a lower compressive strength of 28 days (35.63 MPa) due to the highest porosity factor (2.63%). Keywords: Self compacting concrete, fly ash, EAFS, compressive strength, porosity


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    Permainan bolavoli  terdiri dari 6 pemain orang  yang betujuan melewatkan bola diatas net menjatuhkannya didaerah pertahanan tim lawan sehingga bisa meraih suatu kemenangan. Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) adalah pesta olahraga nasional Indonesia yang diadakan empat tahun sekali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan scoring skill atau keterampilan mencetak poin dari tim Bolavoli putra Jawa Barat pada final PON 2021. Scoring skill mempengaruhi hasil akhir petandingan dan terkait dengan kemenangan dan kekalahan. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan metode pengumpulan data dokumentasi dan analisis video, berdasarkan hasil penelitian. Total Block seluruh pertandingan berjumlah 74 dengan block success 9, block fault 55, block rally 10 dengan demikian keberhasilan presentase block sebesar 12%, kegagalan sebesar 74% dan rally sebesar 14%, untuk total jumlah aktivitas  attack 97, attack succes 47, attack fault 18, attack rally 31, presentase keberhasilan attack sebesar 49%, presentase kegagalan sebesar 19% dan presentase rally sebesar 32% dan total aktivitas service 90, dengan service succes 8, service fault 13 dan service rally 69 dengan presentase keberhasilan 9%,  kegagalan 14% dan rally 77% &nbsp

    Effect of Work Team, School Culture on Decision Making of The Principals of The State High School in Jakarta

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    The objective of this study is to learn the influence of work team and school culture toward decision making of high school in Jakarta. This study was the quantitative approach, and  path analysis method was applied to analyze the data. In this study, principals of state high school have been chosen as a unit analysis and 91 samples of state high school in Jakarta. The results of this study showed that: (1) work teams have a direct positive effect on decision making; (2) school culture has a direct positive effect on decision making. At last, this study suggested that work teams and school culture were important determinants of the principal’s decision making

    Knowledge Management System pada Divisi Lalu Lintas Angkutan Jalan Dishubkominfo Kota Pontianak Menggunakan Metode Spesific Action dan Pendekatan After Action Review Berbasis Web dan Mobile Application

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    A good traffic system will create a condusive social condition which results the establishment of order and comfort on the street. To be able in creating a good traffic system. As the result, there is a need of of trained and fast-moving team in handling the traffic matter, in this case is a team responsible in the implementation of the traffic is Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Pontianak/Dishubkominfo (Department of Communication and informatics). However, the realization of the implementation of a good traffic system is considered less optimal because of the lack of knowledge distribution among area of institution. The knowledge possessed only by some particular personnels in the form of personal experience. This kind of knowlede is called as tacit knowledge because of its invisible or unmeasured characteristic so that it easily die out or gone. It is the reason that constrain the distribution of knowledge in the area of institution. As the result, it will slow down institution's performance in serving the people. It needs knowledge management system that can bind the tacit knowledge and document it into an explicit knowledge (visible or measured knowledge) and can be learned by other people which is Knowledge Management System (KMS). The KMS that will be developed is web and mobile application-based by using Specific Action method. Specific Action method used is developed by using After Action Review approach in such a way that it is provided to be able to capture specific action applied by the user to be reviewed further by the expertise and concluded into a new form of knowledge

    Virtual Link Aggregation Network Performance Using MikroTik Bonding

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    Quality of Service in a network is a big thing that must be resolved and dealt with as best as possible. The limitation of the maximum transfer rate in network devices creates an obstacle in the process of transferring data packets. To maximize the transfer rate in network devices, you can use Virtual Link Aggregation which can offer bandwidth optimization and failover in the network. Link aggregation is a solution in combining several physical links into one logical link. The method used in this research is to consider the allocation of bandwidth, load balancing and failover in the link aggregation. From the results of the link aggregation test using two (2) interface bonding, the results of the bandwidth averages when there is a UPD data packet transfer to 0 bps / 184.9 Mbps, which was previously around 0 bps / 91.6 Mbps. While the result of the bandwidth averages when the TCP data packet transfer occurs is 0 bps / 105.5 Mbps, which was previously around 0 bps / 93.8 Mbps. Link Aggregation using a Mikrotik Router is a solution to produce a larger Throughput Bandwidth by combining two (2) Ethernet Physical Links into one logical link
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